Solved! Reasons You Have Low Water Pressure in the Shower

If you jump in the shower after a long day and are met by a trickle of water or abnormally low water pressure, it can be a major letdown! There are many potential explanations for low pressure in the shower, such as a partially closed control valve, a faulty pressure regulator, a leaking pipe, […]
Help! My Water Heater Isn’t Working!

Whether you were greeted by a cold shower after a long workday, or worse—a flood of water from a failed water heater tank—if your water heater fails or stops working, it can be a MAJOR inconvenience. There are many reasons why a water heater fails, including mechanical failures to age, but it’s clear— when your […]
The Most Common Plumbing Emergencies

A plumbing emergency can make even the most level-headed person panic. They are never convenient, and the best way to help prevent them from occurring is to keep your plumbing system properly maintained. As a homeowner, you have to know what the most common plumbing issues are; otherwise, how can you be prepared… Here are the six most common plumbing emergencies that […]
HELP! Tips for Finding a Plumber

ISO a reputable, local plumber? When your drains are clogged or your water heater is acting up, the last thing you have time to deliberate over is finding a trustworthy plumber. Making a rash decision now could result in more problems down the road. You want to hire a plumber that offers long-term results and gets the job […]
What You Need to Know About Polybutylene Plumbing
Polybutylene plumbing was commonly used in homes built between 1978 and 1995. Once thought to be the “pipe of the future” due to its low production cost and easy installation, it was later discovered that polybutylene does not hold up well over time. Unfortunately, this subpar plumbing material was commonly used in homes built in […]
Eliminate Sewer Smells in Your Basement: A Homeowner’s Guide
Getting Rid Of Them May Be Easier Than You Think Do you avoid going into your basement because of nasty sewer smells? If so, you have a problem that needs to be taken care of right away. In addition to the unpleasantness of a basement that smells like a sewer, there are also potential health […]